Friday, August 20, 2010

What are some long term physical and emotional scars from child abuse.?

I'm doing a research study on the consequences of child abuse.

What are some of the long term physical and emotional scars from being abused in your childhood.

Any help welcomed.What are some long term physical and emotional scars from child abuse.?

I agree with the gentleman and would like to add some things..

I have also noticed that many can be very defensive against their superiors or authority figures.

Insecurity about relationships - mistrust

Some tend to isolate or recluse when they feel they are going to be harmed.

When a child is abused in any fashion, they will result to whatever stops the abuse and stick to it unconsciously throughout the rest of their life.

They are guarded and have many triggers. They really do not know of any other way to cope with things when something comes up. If many could go through therapy after having a history of abuse and have the triggers identified, this would save them a lot of problems.

During the therapy their trigger points could be identified then they would be taught how to cope with those triggers in the future.What are some long term physical and emotional scars from child abuse.?
For the effects of childhood sexual abuse go to link 1

For the effects of childhood physical abuse go to link 2

For the effects of childhood emotional abuse go to link 3

For the effects of childhood neglect go to link 4
Huge increase in potential for mental illness such as post traumatic stress syndrome and antisocial personality disorder

Most of the scars come from those psychological disorders in some form

Some of the common effects are:








and more
depression, being suicidal, paranoia, mistrusting, not being able to form proper relationships, ocd disorder, abusing your own child(ren) SO many

child abuse is horrible, anyone who abuses children deserves to die!

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